Achala Karunarathne (born on March 23, 1989 in Kandy) is one of the top TV presenter at Rupavahini. She is much remembered for her program "ThreeThaal" on Wednesday at10.10 pm and "Sith Gath Gee" on Saturday 11.30am. She was educated at Vishaka Balika Vidyalaya. We (
SLS) wishes the talented young lass all the success in her future endeavours.
Makeup and hair : Kaushani Karunarathne , Salon KAUSHI and Academy
Location: Kendila, Malwana

Photographed by Sandun Fernando
Sri Lankan Stars
Sandun Fernando is one of the upcoming photographers who specializes in fashion photography, model portfolios, event photography and wedding photography. This copyrighted materials own by the photographer. Under the Intellectual Property

Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Blogging, Distributing, Editing, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited.
Sandun Fernando +94 717 037 852
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