The fifth challenge Digital Stories has been end up with a colorful blast at the Galadari Hotel on Feb 25, 2014. The event was a colourful and breathtaking entertainment inclusive of music accompanied by the awarding of certificates for the first 25 digital stories.
This event was organized by the
Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC) to venture into a trend setting segment on Alcohol and Tobacco Use. The intention of having this competition was to get the youth in critically analyzing the hidden promotions and the hidden agendas of the tobacco and alcohol industries as expressed through the manipulative promotions in media. The event captured the attention of well-known Sri Lankan Stars of various fields.

Photographed by Sandun Fernando
Sri Lankan Stars
Sandun Fernando is one of the upcoming photographers who specializes in fashion photography, model portfolios, event photography and wedding photography. This copyrighted materials own by the photographer. Under the Intellectual Property

Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Blogging, Distributing, Editing, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited.
Sandun Fernando +94 717 037 852
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