
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Olivia Major by Raffealla

Olivia Thushara Major a professional model who represent Sri Lanka for the Ford Super Model of the World in 2008 and feedback she gets has been tremendous. She comes out in stylish and colourful outfits to be photographed by Raffealla Fernando.

Concept by by Raffealla Fernando and Sayan Deevan Leanage
Wardrobe by Lonali Rodrigo
Hair & makeup by Jacky

About the Photographer...

Raffealla Fernando adjudged the winner of the 'Up and coming Fashion Designer 2010' . A bubbly and happy personality, Raffealla was freelancing as a designer. She is one of the Professional photographers who specializes in fashion photography. She had already completed a degree in Fashion Design at International Academy of Design. She is very positive about the future of fashion Design in the country and her own role in it.

Raffealla FernandoRaffealla_Fernando

This images own by Raffealla Fernando. Under the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Distributing, Editing, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited.

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