
Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Nikshala Virginie Michael

SLS wishes very happy birth day to our dear friend Nikshala Virginie Michael! ….. May all your dreams come true….
I really would love to introduce my readers about new Sri Lankan Stars. I found this beauty from one of my FB friends list. Nikshala Virginie Michael was born in Paris France and grew up with her Sri Lankan parents. Her father from Batticaloa and mother from Seeduwa Sri Lanka. She was the perfect blend of sinhalese and tamil. She was reading her Degree in Buisness and Languages at Paris West University Nanterre La Défense (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense) . Here are the mixed portfolio pics of Nikshala... We(SLS) wish her the best...

Nikshala Virginie Michael
And Nikshala is not only beauty, but dancer as well. She is the key member of France dance troup "Rythm of Lanka" by Diana Yureni. Their performance were impressive and spectacular. She moved to Indian, Ragga and hip hop dancing while also being skilled in Latin-American as well as freestyle. She said, "Above all styles, I like Indian dancing very much because it breaks a new ground of perception and opens entirely a new vision of reality. It is a mixture of numerous styles and the costumes are extremely interesting."

rythm of lanka

Nikshala did photography and modelling in her free time. She certainly has what it takes to be a succesful catwalk model. We(SLS) wish her the best...
Nikshala Virginie Michael

Nikshala Virginie Michael Sri LankaNikshala Virginie Michael

Nikshala_Virginie_MichaelNikshala Virginie Michael

Nikshala Virginie

Nikshala VirginieNikshala Virginie Michael

Nikshala Virginie Michael FranceNikshala Virginie Michael Sri Lanka

Nikshala Virginie Michael

Nikshala Virginie MichaelNikshala Virginie Michael

Nikshala VirginieNikshala-Virginie-Michael

This images own by Nikshala Virginie Michael. Under the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Distributing, Editing, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited.

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