In Simple words, this is a machine that can change back grounds in seconds. From this machine the time being wasted while changing the backdrops are eliminated. Also, this machine can create any background as beaches, backgrounds of popular locations all over the world and Imaginary backgrounds. Olga studio creates a theme with the color of the clients
This is a very different and higher level method for bringing background variety into a photograph. Unlike with green screen where the background is added later, the photographer sees the background live in this 4D Photography machine, as it will be before they capture the image. The photographer has complete live control of the background including brightness, focus, position, proportional size, and even the color. Both the photographer and the subject can see the results immediately. The process is NOT affected by the colors the subject may wear or the colors in the props. When using 4D Photography it is like “being on site” but with the many advantages of working in the studio where the photographer is in total control. 4D Photography Machine is primarily used for mid-level and higher end portrait work because of the high quality results it can deliver. They have a clear vision for the future and understand how to manage the changes necessary to reach it.

Gihan De Silva gives their clients a consultation prior to the shoot, which is the key element of creating a timeless image. Getting to know one another will reveal the information needed for the studios to get an idea of what the customer really expects.
They are pleased to announce that they are the ONLY studio in South Asia to have this system and the sole agent and the distributor for this 4D Projection system.
Await to see more information and an exhibition on 4D photography by Gihan De Silva in Mid August 2012....

Gihan De Silva is one of the Professional photographers who specializes in fashion photography, model portfolios and wedding photography. This copyrighted materials own by the photographer. Distribution, editing and display without owners permission is prohibited.
Gihan De Silva
Los Angeles : +1 818 967 9905
New York : +1 914 214 1128
Sri Lanka : +94 777 707 600 , +94 773 254 979
web : www.gihandesilvaphotography.com
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