Batz has worked in almost every capacity of the industry and she takes on each job with a fierceness that makes her work memorable. Whether she’s working as a celebrity’s private makeup artist, helping to bring characters to life on a hit television show or painting the face of a fashion model, Batz is always on the go.
I’ve been lucky enough to get the chance to interview her and even though she’s a very busy bee she took to time to do this interview with me so I could share it with all of you. Thanks again Batz!!
1.Where did your love of makeup begin?

I was educated Aurveda Beauty and Spa under 10 well qualified doctors. And then I started my own OSCO SPA & SALON in Maharagama. I met Shani Thilakarathna, one of my customer who came regularly to my salon and she invite me to come for fashion show at SLECC. So I went there and met Duminda Nawarathne and Vishwa Balasooriya. They seek a model and make up artist for their portfolio shoot. So I introduce Dilni for them and I did the make up for their shoot. After publishing this photo shoot on the web I get loads of request to assist as a makeup artist. So this was the starting point of my makeup career.
2. What was your first make-up job? How did you get it?

My first make-up job was Dilni with Duminda Nawarathne and Vishwa Balasooriya. I was so excited, confident and nervous at the same time. I actually started working professionally as a full fledged makeup artist after this shoot. I used to watch TV, Magazines and surf internet for beauty tips. I never follow any make up course or diploma.
3.What challenges have you faced in this field since you began?

I have been very blessed and it has been an abundant of work and cool freinds and jobs of course. Maybe that I don’t have enough time for me sometimes I find.
4. How do you get your jobs?

I get jobs in promotion, recommendations, word of mouth and web publications like your blog. Being in the union, has just put me in a better area to hustle my craft. Now, I can bargain with the major films, commercials and connect with the right people. I still get calls for work through recommendation. Rozanne Diasz invited me for do few shoots for her Modelz magazine. I was so surprised and that was the most unforgetable day in my life.
5. Do you prefer working freelance or do you like being a member of a full-time team?

I am still a freelancer. Freelance is riskier, but sometimes a bit more fun. I am seriously thinking of taking my career in that direction.
6. What is the toughest part of your job?

I loved the excitement and the tension of shooting a live television show, visuals and commercials. Sometimes No breaks!!! Sometimes I get 2 or 3 events at the same time.
7. What does it take to be successful in your career?

I knew I wanted to be a makeup artist and so I am. I believed it and I learn from my errors. You have to be a professional at all times. Always be on time. Time
is money in this industry and it is not to be wasted. Always dress nice and have a sense of style and fashion. Know your character. Do research. Always stay on top of what is in and out, while maintaining your own makeup ‘look’. Know your room and act accordingly. But always have fun with your makeup and style.
8. What’s next in your career?

I am hoping to open a new branch in Colombo. Now I am reading Ayurveda exams.
9.Where can we find your work and contact you?

Salon OSCO and SPA, Wathtegedara , Maharagama, Sri Lanka. mobile +94 778792147
You can find me on FaceBook. So tweet me! I’m excited to hear from all of you.
10. What do your clients think of you? What are some individual testimonials?
You have to ask them...

Thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview Batz. So have fun, paint it up try lots of things you can always just wipe it away and try and try again that is the beauty and fun of Makeup!!!
Photographed by Sandun Fernando

Sandun Fernando +94 717 037 852
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